Bat: Vampire (Greater)     

Species: Bat. Breed/Type: Vampire (lesser). Class: Fiend (Mammal).

This creature is NOT an undead, but is effected by sunlight as an undead vampire is.

Align: Basic Instinct Creature. Gender: 01-50: Female, 51-00: Male.


Level: 1 + 1-D30. Damage-Points: 4-D6 +2 x level.

Number encountered: 1.

Experience-Points: 50 x level.



Awareness: Hearing: 30, Sense of Smell : 30, Sixth Sense: 10, Taste: 28, Touch: 28, Vision: 2,

Charisma -: Appearance: See: "Description". Speech: 2, Constitution: 35, Coordination: 40 (50 while in flight), Dexterity: 40, Intelligence: 3, Mental-Strength: 32, Strength: 28, Wisdom: 3.



Flying: 30. Grounded: 10. Swimming: Can't.


Luck: 1-D6 per level.

Oxygen-Points: 96.

Blood-Points: 105.



The following roll will determine the type of attack this creature will attempt per turn:
% Roll: Type of attack:
01-30:    Bite and Claws
31-00:    Dive attack


Attack descriptions:

Bites: 3
Damage: 1-D6 x4 (+1-D10 per 2 levels advanced).
Range: 1 space (5')
Attack type: Needle + See: "Vampiric Disease" in the "Special Offenses" section.




Claws: 2
Damage: 1-D4 x4 (+1-D8 per 2 levels advanced).
Range: 1 space (5')
Attack type: Sharp.



Dive attack: 1 per 2 turns (10 seconds).
Damage: 1-D10 x6
(+1-D10 per 2 levels advanced).

Range: 1 space (5')
Attack type:
Needle and Sharp (it will claw and bite in the same dive).


Defense: 40 (50 while in flight). Offense: 30.

See: "Special Abilities".


Treasure: %Roll needed to have money and treasure:

31+ for 2-D4 items.

Begin checking for treasure on the UnCommon chart.

Check for treasure 1 time, but only within the lair of this creature. If there is any, it will be laying on the ground.



Annihilation Strike?: No. Sudden Death Strike?: Yes.


Eye color: Within it’s eyes there seems to kindle and writhe in black flame.

Eye shape: Large-sized and slanted. The slanted eyes of the Vampire Bat are piercing and hard. Height: 6' 0".

Length: 6'-0".

Posture: Avian (like a bird, or relating to the family of birds).

Fur color: The chest is decorated with a beautiful vest of lustrous ebony fur (finger-length).

Skin texture: It’s skin is leathery, yet strangely soft to the touch.

Weight: 200 Lbs.

Wing Contour: Bat.

Wingspan: 18'-0".


This creature appears as the lesser breed, yet easily recognized as a greater of its species due to its much larger size.


Dislikes ----- : Sunlight.

Disposition - : The Greater Vampire Bat is a true hunter, stalking its prey, waiting and watching for the perfect chance to attack. This breed of vampire bat will openly attack any creature, or group of creatures if it instinctively perceives it can win. If its prey is strong, it will bide its time, or abandon the hunt to search for easier victims.


This creature likes infesting dark places, clinging high to roofs, waiting for night to come. Once darkness has shut out the day, this creature will emerge from its lair to hunt and feed.


When a Vampire Bat bites a victim, a virus in its saliva will have a chance to infect the bitten. When bitten, a roll of 31+ will indicate the bitten is infected with its Vampiric Disease.


In the span of 72 hours the following will occur (if infected):
Time frame vs. Vampiric Disease contracted:
1st to 8th hour: No effect detected.
9th to 16th hour: Slight dizzy spells.
17th to 24th hour: Dizzy spells (successfully make an avoidance-roll vs. “Constitution” of faint for 1-D100 turns).


25th to 32nd hour: Detest the sight of daylight. Sun will now give the bitten powerful headaches (1-D10 points of damage to the head per hour while in the sun).


33rd to 40th hour: Skin begins to pale.
41st to 48th hour: Vampiric teeth develop in this time frame. This is very painful.
49th to 56th hour: At night, the bitten feels extremely energized.
57th to 64th hour: Fear the sun. Sun will now damage all areas of the body, causing 2-D20 points of damage per turn in all areas while exposed to sunlight, or even a day with no sunlight (i.e., morning and early evening).


The following characteristics of the victim will lower permanently:
Charisma ----- : 2-D10
Constitution -- : 2-D10
Coordination - : 1-D10
Dexterity ----- : 1-D10
Strength ------- : 1-D10


65th to 72nd hour: All other foods are nothing compared to the taste of blood, animal or human. Blood is bitten’s main diet now. The urge for blood can be resisted if a successful "Mental-Strength Check" is rolled (Mental-Strength = the % chance: Roll the % number, or below, to succeed). This check will allow the now undead vampire to resist the taking of blood for 1-D4 +1 days. Luck can be used to help in this craving, yet will regenerate at a slow 1-D4 points per moon (30 days).


The following characteristics of the victim will raise permanently:
Charisma ----- : 2-D10 +4 ----- (highest of 3 rolls)
Constitution -- : 2-D10 +4 ----- (highest of 2 rolls)
Coordination - : 2-D4 +6 ------- (highest of 2 rolls)
Dexterity ----- : 2-D4 +6 ------- (highest of 2 rolls)
Strength ------ : 2-D4 +6
-------- (highest of 2 rolls)


G.M.: Once a person has become an Undead Vampire, he or she will have the same abilities as
does an Undead Vampire; also the same curse. If a spell-caster is bitten by a Vampire
Bat, an avoidance-roll vs. "Magic" (one chance to succeed) must be successful in order
for the bitten to remain as a spell-caster (any luck used to succeed in this avoidance-roll
will be forever lost). If the roll is failed, the spell-caster will not be able to cast magic
unless cured of this nightmarish curse


Fears -------- : Sunlight.

Habitat ------ : This creature is found in many regions of Utaemia.

Immunities - : Disease, Fear, Mental-attack, Sickness and Spiritual-attack. See: "Special Defenses".


Life-span --- : Immortal, yet it lives as does its lesser cousin, the Giant Bat. It will grow to maturity and full strength and then discontinue aging at its prime, never to die unless slain.


Likes -------- : Blood. This creature is not particular on whom it feeds, so long as the blood is fresh and warm.


Needs ------- : The Vampire Bat Needs fresh blood to survive. The Vampire Bat can be without blood sustenance for 45 days without any ill effects, but on the 46th day it must feed or suffer the permanent loss of 1 point of constitution per day thereafter until a sleep camatose overcomes it.


Note --------- : This creature will remain neutral to a person who has the ability to cast a Vampire spell, or invoke a Vampire ability (as long as he or she does not attack this creature). If trust can be gained from such, these bats will eventually become allied with any who befriend and benefit them, adopting him or her into their family circle.


Special Abilities:

Echolocation: This creature has the ability to send out sound that will bounce back from
all objects, telling the precise shape and pattern of the obstacles being approached. With this ability, this creature can effectively hunt or evade a potential collision with objects.


Shape-Shift: This creature has the ability to shift into a creature of its choice for a duration of 2-D6 hours +1 per 5 levels advanced. It may only Shape-Shift into the type of creature whose blood it has tasted. Roll on the following chart to see how many random creatures you must roll up (if any):


%Roll: Creatures the Vampire Bat can Shape-Shift into:

01-20:   0
21-40:   1-D4. Roll one random creature from the region the

                        Vampire Bat has been encountered within.


41-60:   1-D6. Roll two random creatures from the region the

                        Vampire Bat has been encountered within.


61-80:   1-D8. Roll three random creatures from the region the

                        Vampire Bat has been encountered within.


81-00:   1-D10. Roll four random creatures from the region the

                          Vampire Bat has been encountered within.


                        Note: It will take 3 turns (15 seconds) to Shape-

                                   Shift into a creature, and 3 turns

                                   (15 seconds) to Shape-Shift back.


Vampiric Regeneration: This creature's wounds will heal at a rate of 1-D6 points per turn.


Special Defenses:

Evasion: This creature will have a 60% chance of automatically evading a strike against
it while in flight (this does not apply to area of effect attacks).


Resistances: Only direct damaging spells, as well as Necromancer spells, can effect this creature (even then, it will have a 30% Magic-Resistance to such spells).


Special Offenses:

Vampiric-Strike: When the Vampire Bat bites its victim, the targeted creature must make an avoidance-roll vs. “Awareness” or not know he or she is being bit, so smooth and careful is its attack.


When the Vampire Bat attacks, it will carefully bite into a victim, excreting a pain-killing saliva that will dull the senses of the flesh. Then it will bite. The Vampire Bat will never kill, for its instinct is to only take warm blood from a victim. This creature will take 3-D4 blood-points per bite.



Direct Sunlight: Causes 1-D4 points of damage to this creature per 3 turns (15 seconds).

Holy Spells and Water: Causes +50% damage on this creature.

Secondary Sunlight: Causes 1-D2 damage to this creature per turn (Examples of secondary sunlight: Predawn, when it is light out, but no actual sun is showing, After the sun sets, yet before darkness falls, a fully overcast day when the sun is hidden by the clouds), or being in the shadows during sunlight hours.


Weapon susceptibility: Rank-6 (or better) magic weapon to harm.